By enrolling your child at AOK Arts Academy Drama, you accept these terms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) andsign your agreement to them as an ongoing agreement between you and AOK Arts Academy(“Agreement”).The Agreement is made between the parent/guardian (“Parent”, “you” or “your”) of each enrolled Child (“Child”) by aParent and AOK Arts Academy(“AOK Arts Academy”, “we”, “our”, “us”) and is valid at all times whilst the child isenrolled on any AOK Arts Academy activity and until such time as written notice is given in accordance with these Terms& Conditions.
- These Terms & Conditions apply to all our AOK Arts Academy schools, workshops, Holiday Camps, and anyadditional products and/or services offered by AOK Arts Academy in the future for any child (collectively “AOKArts Academy Activities”)
- For participation of a child in a AOK Arts Academy Activity all Parents are required to consent to these Terms& Conditions by signature or by ticking the acceptance box for these Terms & Conditions when submittingan electronic application form online. We may update these Terms & Conditions from time to time.
- “Holiday Workshop/Camp” refers to Workshops run by some AOK Arts Academy during the breaks between Terms.
- “Lead Facilitator” refers to the senior person responsible for leading and managing a AOK Arts Academy Class orschool.
- “Term” refers to one normal academic term of AOK Arts Academy during which weekly classes are run.
- “Term Dates” refers to the dates for the relevant Term.
- To apply for a place for a new Child in a AOK Arts Academy Class or Camp, the Parent/Guardian must agree tothese Terms & Conditions and submit an application form online, by post or in person.
- Fees for AOK Arts Academy may vary between AOK Arts Academy classes and locations.
- AOK Arts Academy fees are reviewed annually and may be increased in September of each year.
- Each Child’s place is allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Online or paper applications mustbe accompanied by a minimum 20% deposit to reserve a place
- From the date the Deposit is paid, you have a fourteen (14) calendar day cancellation period(“Cancellation Period”) to change your mind and cancel the Child’s place at AOK Arts Academy, subject toclauses in section 4 below.
- After the Cancellation Period expires, the Deposit is non-refundable and will be retained by AOK ArtsAcademy.
- If registration and deposit are made in person a paper receipt will be issued.
- If registration and deposit are made online, an email will be sent instantly with confirmed class times,current term dates, fees, along with a receipt for payment of the Deposit or full amount as applicable.
- For a Child enrolled on either a Weekly Class or Summer Camp, following payment of the Deposit, theBalance must be paid in full, subject to any alternative agreements made with a director of AOK ArtsAcademy, one week before the class or camp begins, by one of the payment methods offered, see point 3.4below
For full fees the following methods are offered by AOK Arts Academy:
- Online Payment by Debit or Credit Card
- Bank transfer;
- Cheque;
- Cash;
- Or
- Direct Debit* NB: (*Direct Debit option is only available for weekly classes when booking a place for the fullyear, 3 terms)
For deposit payment, the following payment methods are offered by AOK Arts Academy:
- Online Payment by Debit or Credit Card
- Bank transfer;
- Cheque;
- Cash.
- Sibling Discount – AOK Arts Academy offers a sibling discount of 10%. The sibling discount will only apply ifAOK Arts Academy is notified of the sibling relationship at the time of registration and when the deposit orpayment is made.
- Only one discount may apply against the Course fee for an individual child or family at any one time. As suchadditional discounts cannot be used in conjunction with sibling discount. The only exception is that discountfor full-year payment in advance can be used with sibling discount.
- Full Year Discount does not apply if choosing to pay by Direct Debit. Full Year discount only applies if payingin one full payment.
- AOK Arts Academy may introduce promotional discounts throughout the term. Only one discount can be used at anytime.
- A cancellation of your booking must be made in writing or by email to be received as soon as possible.
- Deposits are non-refundable, once the 14 day cancellation period has lapsed.
- There is an administration charge of €30 payable for cancellations received 2 Months (61 days) or more beforethe start of the course.
- Cancellations received 1-2 months (29-60 days) before the start of the term or camp registered for are subjectto a cancellation fee of 25 per cent of the term fees.
- Cancellations received 15-28 days before the start of the term or camp registered for are subject to acancellation fee of 50 per cent of the term fees.
- Cancellations received 0-14 days before the start of the term or camp registered for are subject to acancellation fee of 100 per cent of the term fees and as such no refunds will be made.
- If the participant fails to attend the course, the full course fees are still payable.
- Cancellation fees apply regardless of whether any payments have yet been received and as such the balance willbe due.
- AOK Arts Academy reserves the right to cancel any course in extreme circumstances and will return any deposit orfees paid in advance or offer the option to attend on an alternative date.
- Term Dates for the all terms are released in advance of the new drama year beginning in September, and will beannounced via social media, at end of term workshops and on AOK Arts Academy Website.
- Your child’s place in the next term is only secure if you have registered for the full year place and agreed apayment plan, or have paid in advance. While AOK Arts Academy will make every attempt to give current memberspriority places and advance notice of registration opening, it is the responsibility of the parent to securetheir child’s place for each term.
- Payment is due for the next Term of Course fees before the start date of the Term.
- AOK Arts Academy does not offer a trial period
- If for any reason you and your child wish to withdraw from the AOK Arts Academy drama term between weeks 2-3 ofthe term, please advise the class leader and also notify AOK Arts Academy at bookings email?
- AOK Arts Academy will refund the remaining term balance. A €20 administration fee will be deducted.
- AOK Arts Academy will refund the balance to you within fourteen (14) calendar days of your notifiedcancellation.
- The personal data (as it is defined in the Data Protection Act 1998) of a Child and/or Parent submitted usingthe application form will be processed by AOK Arts Academy for the purposes of administration and research, inrelation to the provision of teaching services in drama.
- AOK Arts Academy will share this information with external agencies (for example organisations withresponsibility for children’s safeguarding) only when required or permitted to do so by law.
- AOK Arts Academy will not disclose personal data to third parties for marketing purposes although AOK ArtsAcademy may use personal data for their own marketing and business development purposes, including for thepurposes of advertising and promoting new products and/or services by AOK Arts Academy.
- Parents who do not wish to receive marketing communications from AOK Arts Academy or its group companies shouldinform AOK Arts Academy in writing.
- AOK Arts Academy will from time to time take photographs and film footage of Children during Courses, Workshops,Holiday Workshops/Camps and performances for use in AOK Arts Academymarketing and publicity material. AOK ArtsAcademy will not make such photographs or film footage available of any Child who objects or whose Parentobjects. Permissions are sought upon registration to AOK Arts Academy.
- AOK Arts Academy owns all the rights, title and interest in and to its websites, including software, text andmedia and its trade marks, logos and brand elements. Nothing within these Terms & Conditions affects orlicences the ownership of these rights. Any intellectual property created during any Course, Workshop or HolidayWorkshop/Camp is owned by AOK Arts Academy.
- Please see our full privacy policy.
- Children participate at their own risk and are obliged to inform AOK Arts Academy and its staff of any existinginjuries or medical condition. All application forms must have any known medical conditions stated and anychanges to such information must be notified to AOK Arts Academy immediately in writing.
- If you are unsure whether a Child should participate in any activity please consult the child’s GP beforeenrolling the Child on a AOK Arts Academy Activity.
- Any medication left on the class premises must be clearly labelled and the Child should, unless AOK Arts Academyhas agreed in writing otherwise, be able to administer it themselves.
- Children must wear suitable footwear and clothing at all times.
- If a Child is unwell or has an accident requiring emergency treatment, the Parent will be contacted via theemergency contact details provided below or on the enrolment form. This number must always be contactable whilstthe child is attending the AOK Arts Academy Activity.
- Parents are solely responsible for ensuring that the emergency contact details on AOK Arts Academy’s records areup to date.
- Children are obliged to take care of their own belongings. AOK Arts Academy can accept no liability for lost ordamaged belongings.
- You acknowledge that the maximum aggregate liability of AOK Arts Academy to a Child or Parent under these Terms& Conditions shall not exceed the AOK Arts Academy Activity fee to which a claim relates.
- The liability of AOK Arts Academy and that of its staff is restricted to class time only and then only to grossnegligence.
- AOK Arts Academy may, at its own discretion, refuse a child entry to a AOK Arts Academy Activity or session of aAOK Arts Academy Activity if it is felt that the child’s behaviour is unacceptable.
- AOK Arts Academy reserves the right to make changes to the timetable and to the teaching staff from theadvertised programme in the event of illness or other circumstances beyond our control.
- Where a session of a AOK Arts Academy Activity has to be cancelled by AOK Arts Academy, we will give as muchnotice as possible. In the event of a last minute session cancellation, you will be notified by email, textmessage, a call to your mobile phone or through a designated AOK Arts Academy social media site. Parents mustensure that they provide AOK Arts Academy with up-to-date contact details and ask that AOK Arts Academy is savedin your email address book to ensure emails reach your inbox.
- It is occasionally necessary to change the time and/or venue of a AOK Arts Academy Class. This will only be doneif absolutely necessary and AOK Arts Academy will do its best to keep class times and locations as similar aspossible but unfortunately this cannot always be guaranteed.
- In the event that a child is unable to attend a AOK Arts Academy class, due to sickness, holiday or a decisionby the parent or child not to attend, AOK Arts Academy regrets that it is unable to refund any payment.
- All children must be collected on time after a session. AOK Arts Academy is unable to supervise children after asession and consistent late collection will result in additional charges.
- AOK Arts Academy fees are reviewed annually and may be increased in September of each year.
- These Terms & Conditions, together with any registration form complete, constitute the entire agreementbetween the parties which supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties,representations and understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.
- In the event that one or more of the provisions of the Agreement are found to be unlawful or otherwiseunenforceable, those provisions shall be deemed severed from the remainder of the Agreement.
- These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Northern Ireland.Any dispute arising under these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of thecourts of Ireland.